• Stay informed

    Automatically generated attendance.

  • Spend less, save money,
    reduce costs

    No hardware requirements/ hassle free implentation

  • Be productive
    wherever you are,
    Work remotely

    Expand your geographic workspace work anytime, anywhere

  • generate and receive
    work reports faster

    Monitor project progress every step of the way/ members acitivity is logged from start to finish

  • inform

    Set deadlines, events, meetings and reminders through the application

  • differentiate

    define vairous projects and resources through the application





Expert features

Use Expert to save time and boost profits / Expert manages time to gain/increase profits/money

Expert allows you to inform and stay informed!

  • log working hours of your team members
  • generate daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports
  • Categorize projects
  • Stay updated on project/task progress
  • prioritize tanks/projects
  • Accurate timestamps/attendance monitoring system
  • Add new work enviroment/spaces/offices/places for your team
  • Appoiintment/meeting reminder
  • Remote working and time logging tools
  • Announce and manage leave of absence/emergency leave
  • Calculate Salary/bonuses OR monthly statement
  • Observe projects progress/ Project/task progression overwatch
  • Accessible through various platyforms i.e ios, android,..
  • Manage team members as you please or add/remove team members
Download Now

We needed a platform to log working hours and project progress in a more efficient manner, a user-friendly application that would not burden company's finances. Our efforts materialized in Expert and in a matter of weeks, beta testing began. Expert eliminated the neccessity of manual logging of working hours by team memebers.
Expert utilized GPS and internet connection to record and monitor attendance/working hours. Project management need/demands of our team led to rapid deveopment of the application. on top of attendance monitoring and generating reports, Expert could be used to assign tasks, arrange meetings, set reminders and improve productivity.
If you want to Save time, reduce costs and increase operational profits, then look no further as Expert fulfills all your team management needs.
CST team memebers IR CST is: ...

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